The last few weeks we have been studying through Jude and II Peter. In each of these books we saw how our Lord was warning us of the false religions that were already cropping up in the first century church. Today there are a myriad of false religions it almost makes your head swim. We are studying through some of the world's major religions and comparing them to what the scriptures say about each of their major beliefs.
Basic Tenets of the Catholic Faith
1) Catholics believe their faith started with Peter. Jesus appointed Peter the head of His church, and this is their basis for having a pope. Reference to Mt. 16:18. But what else does scripture say about the church and the leaders in the church?
Titus 1:5-9 I Cor 3:11 Eph 2:20 I Pt. 5:1-5
2) Catholics believe in a 3 legged basis of faith or salvation. 1)God 2) Scripture 3) Sacred Tradition. This is a works based salvation. What does the Bible say about this?
Micah 6:8 Rom 10:9-10 Eph 2:8 Gal 2:3 Rev. 22:19
3) Catholics believe a person is saved through faith and works and they cannot know if they are truly saved until they are judged by God. What does the Bible say?
I Jn 5:9-13 II Cor 5:8 Rom 10:13 II Tim 1:9
4) Catholics believe that Jesus spoke literally when He said, “Take eat, this is my body.” And “drink, this is my blood.” It is believed that after the priest consecrates the “host” (wine and bread) that it ACTUALLY becomes the body of Christ and the blood of Christ. HUNDREDS of Christians have been martyred over this point alone. What does the Bible say?
Mt. 26:17-30 Mk 14:22-24 Heb 10:8-14
5) The Catholic religion teaches that Jesus gave the disciples the ability to forgive sins, and we are commanded to confess our sins to one another if the sin involved others. If the sin did not involve others and was grave then it must be confessed to a priest. They call this the mediation of the priest. What does the Bible say about this? John 1:29 I Jn 1:9
I Tim 2:5 Ps 32:5 I Jn 1:8-10
Gal 2:15 Eph 2:8
6) The Pope has the authority to make “ infallible” statements to settle important matters regarding salvation. These “ex cathedra” statements are rare but are considered infallible. What does the Bible have to say about a man being infallible?
Rom 3:10
7) Sacred traditions and works are necessary for salvation in the Catholic religion. Here is a list of the 7 Sacraments of the Catholic church.
a. Baptism – infant by sprinkling and typically called “christening” Mk 16:16
b. Eucharist – communion I Cor 11:20
c. Reconciliation – confession Rom 10:9 Rom 14:11
d. Confirmation – at which time you receive the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit
i. Wisdom
ii. Understanding
iii. Right judgment
iv. Courage
v. Knowledge
vi. Reverence
vii. Wonder and awe
e. Marriage
f. Anointing the sick – extreme unction – last anointing – last rites
g. Holy Orders
What does the Bible say about these seven sacraments?
8) Catholics pray to Mary and to other saints. Who does the Bible tell us to pray to?
Acts 4:12 Phil 4:6
9) Catholics believe in purgatory - a place where men and women go to temporarily be “purged” from their sins. What does the Bible say about this?
II Cor 5:8
10) Catholics believe they are the Universal Church. What does the Bible say about the church?
I Thes 1:1 Col 4:16 II Tim 4:22
11) Catholics believe in worshipping icons in the church. What does the Bible say about this?
Ex 20:3-5, 23 Lev 19:4 I Cor 10:14